Saturday, March 10, 2012

List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Anyone who read 'The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy; 1400 to the Present. Second edition' Should know this answer. But, it can be found from various other sources as well. A straightforward answer will be greatly appreciated, and will be chosen as best answer right away.List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?
1- Decima, an artificial island near Nagasaki.
Very important, as the Dutch were the only ones allowed to trade with Japan.
2- Formosa, for a while
3- Ceylon/ Sri Lanka
4- Ayutthaya (Siam, nowadays Thailand, trading post)
5- Various trading posts in India
6- Many trading post along the African coast, main post was de Kaapkolonie. (Capetown)

Role of woman: mainly cleaning and *cough* entertainment, locally hired.

The VOC didn't allow its servants to take wifes along. Only for the higher officers, and only if they stayed long on that post. A common sailor was out of the question, and others (non com soldiers, etc.) had to satisfy themselves with local wifes.

The Dutch rarely allowed migration. They ran a strictly commercial empire. As soon as a post ran into a deficit, the post was shut down and abandoned. Trading was done in local languages, not in Dutch. (That is one of the reasons why Dutch is not widely spoken over the world.)List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?
This history is been not thought very well or i will say clearity


How do you pronounce the Dutch East India Company's name? "Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie"?

I'm a history teacher and we're going to be talking about the Dutch East India Company and I'd like to be able to use the Dutch name without completely butchering it.How do you pronounce the Dutch East India Company's name? "Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie"?
haha, you will mess it up, there is a rolling R and a hard G in there, so no way you can pronanounce it if you arent Dutch ;-)

Check out below link, its from Dutch Educational TV

(for kids)

Its in Dutch, the lady says ''de VOC (the VOC) - and then 'De Verenigde Oostindiche Compagnie' so you can hear it, and practice鈥?/a>

Can anyone explain the establishment of the east india company in india?

Please mention what is doctorine of lape, sibsidary allaince and battle of plassey and battle of buxar. my exam is on the 9th of june!! please reply fastCan anyone explain the establishment of the east india company in india?
Most of what you want is here鈥?/a>

Enjoy reading it.

So would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?

I think if anything they would be on the side of East India CompanySo would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?
The LIBS were TEA BAGGED in MA....
The corporations have been handed rights as a human being. Which means that now corporations can buy government, through do influence. corporations can advertise, for their candidates, which gives the candidate unlimited funding from their corporate sponsors.

Here is the scary thing. imagine corporation, owned by X country, wants to influence the U.S. government. X country can inject its influence via corporation Z, and effect the election results of the U.S. Government. If X countries favored candidate wins, through corporation Z, the candidate now will be indebted to corporation Z, that is a buffer for X country.

In other words, the republicans have put the U.S. for sale to the highest bitter. And the world corporate giants, no matter who they are, or come from, now will influence who gets elected. Talk about republican patriotism.

Republicans have open the flood gets to multinational corporatism in government. For better words, fascism.So would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?
Conservatives are ultra-capitalists. even the poor ones who are exploited by big business for low wages. The problem is, the can never move to the center because the Liberals are so radical with their support of some issues that they inadvertantly create a hard nosed movement on the right.
If the East India Tea company was unresponsive to the requests of its shareholders, I would think that the "Tea Baggers" would remove the board of directors.So would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?
they were being real americans and not thinking about the impact they would have on others, just whoever they target.. :-p

but in all seriousness.. England probably already bought the tea.. the EIC could care less what happens after it was bought..
Ironic how the tea bags dumped the progressives overboard, in Boston of all places!
I'd rather dump steaming hot coffee on a liberals lap.
Agreed. Conservatives are proud of supporting corporations over people.
we tea baggers are winning! haven't you noticed?
I want to make love with Ronald Reagan. He was so sexy in his actor days.
What are you talking about

When was the east india company created?

idk.. i sorta searched, but i couldn't really find the date.. or the year really.When was the east india company created?


The British Company was Chartered by Queen Elizabeth I on Dec., 31st, 1600, as part of the sudden overseas expansion made possible by the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. A group of London Merchants received a monopoly on all British Trade and colonial administration over territories lying east of the Cape of Good Hope in return for assuming the initiative and the capital investment.When was the east india company created?
The Honourable East India Company (HEIC), often colloquially referred to as "John Company", was an early joint-stock company (the Dutch East India Company was the first to issue public stock). It was granted an English Royal Charter by Elizabeth I on December 31 1600, with the intention of favouring trade privileges in India. The Royal Charter effectively gave the newly created HEIC a 21 year monopoly on all trade in the East Indies. The Company transformed from a commercial trading venture to one that virtually ruled India as it acquired auxiliary governmental and military functions, until its dissolution in 1858 following the events of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 (then known as the Indian Mutiny).
  • what is dna
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  • What was the market capitalization of the Dutch East India Company? In ounces of gold maybe?

    This is a tough one for many reasons. But to simplify as much as possible, let's quote it in at least ounces of gold or silver. That is the way to figure this out. Dutch guilders in 1680 (our target year, let's say) were 0.91 quality silver and weighed 10.6 grams. Good luck guys because I couldn't find this.

    And shouldn't the next Googler know what the market cap of the first corporation ever was!!?! Hell yes he should.What was the market capitalization of the Dutch East India Company? In ounces of gold maybe?
    The original equity financing amounted to 6.5M guilders. During the bubble, these shares increased in value by a factor of 12 which makes it worth 78M guilders. You can trasnalte that into silver.

    What were the motives for the East India Trading Company?

    I need to know the motives and the modes for the East India Trading Company

    I know what the East India Trading Company is, I just need some of the motives and modes they had.What were the motives for the East India Trading Company?

    The clue is in the word Company.