Saturday, March 10, 2012

List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Anyone who read 'The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy; 1400 to the Present. Second edition' Should know this answer. But, it can be found from various other sources as well. A straightforward answer will be greatly appreciated, and will be chosen as best answer right away.List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?
1- Decima, an artificial island near Nagasaki.
Very important, as the Dutch were the only ones allowed to trade with Japan.
2- Formosa, for a while
3- Ceylon/ Sri Lanka
4- Ayutthaya (Siam, nowadays Thailand, trading post)
5- Various trading posts in India
6- Many trading post along the African coast, main post was de Kaapkolonie. (Capetown)

Role of woman: mainly cleaning and *cough* entertainment, locally hired.

The VOC didn't allow its servants to take wifes along. Only for the higher officers, and only if they stayed long on that post. A common sailor was out of the question, and others (non com soldiers, etc.) had to satisfy themselves with local wifes.

The Dutch rarely allowed migration. They ran a strictly commercial empire. As soon as a post ran into a deficit, the post was shut down and abandoned. Trading was done in local languages, not in Dutch. (That is one of the reasons why Dutch is not widely spoken over the world.)List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?
This history is been not thought very well or i will say clearity


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