Saturday, March 10, 2012

How much would a coin from 1835 of East India Company worth?

A copper coin from 1835, introduced by British East India Co. in the Indian subcontinent. How much it should worth in today's market?How much would a coin from 1835 of East India Company worth?
It's going to depend on a couple of things that you haven't told us.

The first is the denomination. If it's in good enough condition that you can identify it, you should be able to find the denomination on the same side it says "British East India Company". It will probably say (either in words or numbers) "1/12 anna", "one quarter anna", or "one half anna".

A half anna would be about the size of a half dollar, a quarter anna about the size of a quarter, and a 1/12 anna is a little smaller than a dime.

The next thing is the condition. Obviously, the better the condition the more it's worth, however, each of these three coins generally brings less than $10 even for a coin that has no wear. Typical examples usually net a buck or two. Badly worn examples are pretty common in a coin dealer's "two for a buck" box.How much would a coin from 1835 of East India Company worth?
1.33 Buttloads

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