Saturday, March 10, 2012

IB essay questions on Napoleon or East India Company help?

I need to come up with 3 questions that i can write an essay 1500 words in length for my IB world history class. I have narrowed my focus to either Napoleon and the French Revolution or British rule in India w/ the East India Company. If anyone could help me with some questions I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks :)IB essay questions on Napoleon or East India Company help?
What lead to the French Revolution?

What were the different political parties?

The Tennis Court Oath was very important.

Where did Napoleon come in?

What were the significant things Nap did?

---lycee system(education reform)

----declaration of the rights of man---which still lives on today.

---french nationalism---what does it mean to be french

Nap wanted the french ppl to be proud to be french; he wanted unity, national pride. that's one way to to have a great army---every one speaks french french---(some spoke different dialects so the lycee system helped to teach the country the proper french language so everyone could understand each other)

---he started the merit system---where soldiers where promoted based on performance not on wealth.

---he also fought wars differently---he used the concept of total war instead of limited war...he used men, women, child, the elderly....they all contributed to the war efforts even if they weren't actually fighting...they were supporting (ie medics, clothing, food, shelter)

---he used the concept of the troops living off the land---which allowed his armies to move faster----this fails though in Russia when the townspeople burn everything and nap's armies nearly freeze and starve to death.

----he also used conscription(draft)

Nap did alot of narrow it down for a 1500 word essay I would go with either his concept of total war versus limited war....or the declartion of the rights as man and how they are still used today.
  • the human revolution
  • the victoria hotel
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