Saturday, March 10, 2012

List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Anyone who read 'The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy; 1400 to the Present. Second edition' Should know this answer. But, it can be found from various other sources as well. A straightforward answer will be greatly appreciated, and will be chosen as best answer right away.List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?
1- Decima, an artificial island near Nagasaki.
Very important, as the Dutch were the only ones allowed to trade with Japan.
2- Formosa, for a while
3- Ceylon/ Sri Lanka
4- Ayutthaya (Siam, nowadays Thailand, trading post)
5- Various trading posts in India
6- Many trading post along the African coast, main post was de Kaapkolonie. (Capetown)

Role of woman: mainly cleaning and *cough* entertainment, locally hired.

The VOC didn't allow its servants to take wifes along. Only for the higher officers, and only if they stayed long on that post. A common sailor was out of the question, and others (non com soldiers, etc.) had to satisfy themselves with local wifes.

The Dutch rarely allowed migration. They ran a strictly commercial empire. As soon as a post ran into a deficit, the post was shut down and abandoned. Trading was done in local languages, not in Dutch. (That is one of the reasons why Dutch is not widely spoken over the world.)List the main outposts of the Dutch East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries?
This history is been not thought very well or i will say clearity


How do you pronounce the Dutch East India Company's name? "Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie"?

I'm a history teacher and we're going to be talking about the Dutch East India Company and I'd like to be able to use the Dutch name without completely butchering it.How do you pronounce the Dutch East India Company's name? "Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie"?
haha, you will mess it up, there is a rolling R and a hard G in there, so no way you can pronanounce it if you arent Dutch ;-)

Check out below link, its from Dutch Educational TV

(for kids)

Its in Dutch, the lady says ''de VOC (the VOC) - and then 'De Verenigde Oostindiche Compagnie' so you can hear it, and practice鈥?/a>

Can anyone explain the establishment of the east india company in india?

Please mention what is doctorine of lape, sibsidary allaince and battle of plassey and battle of buxar. my exam is on the 9th of june!! please reply fastCan anyone explain the establishment of the east india company in india?
Most of what you want is here鈥?/a>

Enjoy reading it.

So would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?

I think if anything they would be on the side of East India CompanySo would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?
The LIBS were TEA BAGGED in MA....
The corporations have been handed rights as a human being. Which means that now corporations can buy government, through do influence. corporations can advertise, for their candidates, which gives the candidate unlimited funding from their corporate sponsors.

Here is the scary thing. imagine corporation, owned by X country, wants to influence the U.S. government. X country can inject its influence via corporation Z, and effect the election results of the U.S. Government. If X countries favored candidate wins, through corporation Z, the candidate now will be indebted to corporation Z, that is a buffer for X country.

In other words, the republicans have put the U.S. for sale to the highest bitter. And the world corporate giants, no matter who they are, or come from, now will influence who gets elected. Talk about republican patriotism.

Republicans have open the flood gets to multinational corporatism in government. For better words, fascism.So would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?
Conservatives are ultra-capitalists. even the poor ones who are exploited by big business for low wages. The problem is, the can never move to the center because the Liberals are so radical with their support of some issues that they inadvertantly create a hard nosed movement on the right.
If the East India Tea company was unresponsive to the requests of its shareholders, I would think that the "Tea Baggers" would remove the board of directors.So would the Tea Baggers really dump East India Company's tea?
they were being real americans and not thinking about the impact they would have on others, just whoever they target.. :-p

but in all seriousness.. England probably already bought the tea.. the EIC could care less what happens after it was bought..
Ironic how the tea bags dumped the progressives overboard, in Boston of all places!
I'd rather dump steaming hot coffee on a liberals lap.
Agreed. Conservatives are proud of supporting corporations over people.
we tea baggers are winning! haven't you noticed?
I want to make love with Ronald Reagan. He was so sexy in his actor days.
What are you talking about

When was the east india company created?

idk.. i sorta searched, but i couldn't really find the date.. or the year really.When was the east india company created?


The British Company was Chartered by Queen Elizabeth I on Dec., 31st, 1600, as part of the sudden overseas expansion made possible by the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. A group of London Merchants received a monopoly on all British Trade and colonial administration over territories lying east of the Cape of Good Hope in return for assuming the initiative and the capital investment.When was the east india company created?
The Honourable East India Company (HEIC), often colloquially referred to as "John Company", was an early joint-stock company (the Dutch East India Company was the first to issue public stock). It was granted an English Royal Charter by Elizabeth I on December 31 1600, with the intention of favouring trade privileges in India. The Royal Charter effectively gave the newly created HEIC a 21 year monopoly on all trade in the East Indies. The Company transformed from a commercial trading venture to one that virtually ruled India as it acquired auxiliary governmental and military functions, until its dissolution in 1858 following the events of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 (then known as the Indian Mutiny).
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  • What was the market capitalization of the Dutch East India Company? In ounces of gold maybe?

    This is a tough one for many reasons. But to simplify as much as possible, let's quote it in at least ounces of gold or silver. That is the way to figure this out. Dutch guilders in 1680 (our target year, let's say) were 0.91 quality silver and weighed 10.6 grams. Good luck guys because I couldn't find this.

    And shouldn't the next Googler know what the market cap of the first corporation ever was!!?! Hell yes he should.What was the market capitalization of the Dutch East India Company? In ounces of gold maybe?
    The original equity financing amounted to 6.5M guilders. During the bubble, these shares increased in value by a factor of 12 which makes it worth 78M guilders. You can trasnalte that into silver.

    What were the motives for the East India Trading Company?

    I need to know the motives and the modes for the East India Trading Company

    I know what the East India Trading Company is, I just need some of the motives and modes they had.What were the motives for the East India Trading Company?

    The clue is in the word Company.

    What does modern day Goldman Sachs and colonial times British East India Company have in common?

    Yahoo! Answers deleted this question before as being offensive. Please do not respond with any sexual innuendos or any other obnoxious or offensive language since I don't want this question deleted, again.

    Hint: The correct answer has to do with monopolies and taxes.What does modern day Goldman Sachs and colonial times British East India Company have in common?
    Why ask the question if you obviously already know the answer?

    East India company got its license cancelled in the year 1858 after first war of indian independence.?

    so control of India came under direct British crown, means rule of King or Queen of England and Viceroy was appointed to rule as kings or queens representative in India. So India came under direct British crown in 1858. So King or queen must be the ruler of colony India, then why British parliament conferred Queen Victoria the title "Empress of India" in the year 1877, when already she was the ruler or Empress in 1858 itself? What is the speciality in this title? what special powers would queen get after assuming this title? Pls clarify?East India company got its license cancelled in the year 1858 after first war of indian independence.?

    FOR SOME FACTS ANS TRUTH..East India company got its license cancelled in the year 1858 after first war of indian independence.?
    The use of pig fat-and mutton tallow in the rifles alloted to them were not acceptable to Hindu Soldiers who were forced to use the weapon despite their refusal.The 1857-58 Jhansi Rani's battle with the East India Company triggered the dissatisfaction of Indian Soldiers employed with the East India Company and many of the soldiers became sympathisers of the freedom movement and this movement spread nationwide and things went out of control of the East India Company giving rise to Nationwide unrest. The British Government had to interfere and took the Company under its charge to calm the situation and took over the Administration of the Country.All the three presidencies viz. Madras, Calcutta were consolidated under the Queens rule and the post of Governor General was upgraded and known as Vicroi giving him absolute power to any appropriate steps or action on behalf of the Queen in the matter of Governig the Country.Then to pacify the Indian Public and to asure them that they are under proper systamatic Government under the Queen.Queen Victoria was declared as Empress of IndiaEast India company got its license cancelled in the year 1858 after first war of indian independence.?
    Empress of India was merely a ceremonial title, it gave Victoria no special additional powers. It acknowledged an existing link, that is all.

    How did the East India Company change the world?

    I need 3 main points to make. I already have that it changed the world of business, trade routes, and i need one more. Can anyone think of how it changed the world? Maybe something that business can be broken into two different groups insted of just one. Any ideas?How did the East India Company change the world?

    THE COLONIAL EXPLOITATION MADE UK A DEVELOPED NATION.How did the East India Company change the world?
    The East India Company.

    Singapore and Hong Kong were established by The Company and India was shaped and influenced by it.鈥?/a>
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  • Which describes a key feature of the British East India Company's trading-post empire?

    The British established port stations along the Red Sea coast including the port of Aden in Yemen.

    The British built port cities on the coasts of India to control the resources of the vast Ganges River Valley.

    The British extended control over new territory deep into the interior of Indian and Malaysian jungles.

    The British built naval fortresses in strategic locations where foreigners stopped to pay for safe conduct.Which describes a key feature of the British East India Company's trading-post empire?
    The British built port cities on the coasts of India to control the resources of the vast Ganges River Valley.

    What was the British East India Company?

    And why is it referred to as a company that owned a nation?What was the British East India Company?

























    What was the role of the British East India Company?

    Also, what benefits did India receive from the company?

    Thanks!What was the role of the British East India Company?
    The British East India Company was formed in 1600 when a group of merchants were given a monopoly of all trade with East Indies. The ships first arrived in 1608. Trading posts were on the east and west coasts of India. A famine in 1769 and 70 in Bengal was not addressed by the British East India Company and one-third of he population died. In 1773 Lord North put a Governor-General in charge of India.The annexation of native states, poor treatment of the peasants, and bad revenue policies led to the Rebellion of 1857 (the Sepoy Mutiny). In 1858 the East India Company went out of business. There after the British King was in charge of India.

    What is a good thesis statement for a research paper on The East India Trading Company?

    In 8th grade at my school we have to write a forum paper. It takes up the rest of the school year and it is huge. I am insanely into history and science, so i accordingly chose to do my paper on the East India Trading Company. I do not know what to do for my thesis statement. I have to write a proposal of what my paper is about so I need to know what my paper will be specifically. Thank you!What is a good thesis statement for a research paper on The East India Trading Company?
    1st have an opinion on it or on some aspect of it.

    Beneficial, morally good or harmful in some way

    How it developed and became a large entity (company.)

    Thesis statement would follow two or 3 statements something such as : There have been many (companies which have operated in foreign countries)

    companies and countries which were based mainly in foreign geographical areas

    As the areas of India and surrounding countries developed, ____

    Hope this helps - email me if you need more help after writing a paragraph or two.

    The 1st answer is also good.What is a good thesis statement for a research paper on The East India Trading Company?
    I think that your thesis statement should tell why you think that the East India Trading Company had such a huge impact on today's economy by what it helped do in the Third world period.

    Question about the east india company?

    When I read bout this company I see many references to "writers" and I'm pretty sure they're not writers as in newspaper journalists or anything so what does "writers" mean in relation to the east india company?Question about the east india company?
    probably writers such as writers or guarantors of Bills of lading, mortgages and deals.

    Forerunners to accountants and insurance agentsQuestion about the east india company?
    Kept accounts and wrote all correspondence to Head Office 鈥?a powerful position which was an opportunity to make money.

    See Covenanted Civilians here
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  • In 1773, Lord North, attempting to save the British East India Company, gave the company the right to sell tea?

    In 1773, Lord North, attempting to save the British East India Company, gave the company the right to sell tea to the colonists free of the taxes colonial tea sellers had to pay. The colonists responded angrily in an event known as the

    1) Boston Massacre

    2) Boston Tea Party

    3) Act of Intoleration

    4) Boston BoycottIn 1773, Lord North, attempting to save the British East India Company, gave the company the right to sell tea?
    The Boycott came first, the Tea Party was after the boycott on all British goods had been going for several months.

    What caused the British East India Company to go bankrupt?

    It controlled vast amount of land and controlled primary trades across the world did it just become a other company?What caused the British East India Company to go bankrupt?
    Inbreeding....What caused the British East India Company to go bankrupt?
    You really need to learn to do web searches, or at very least, to use Wikipedia:鈥?/a>

    History thesis topic for the East India Company?

    I'm really interested in the British East India Company in the 19th century. Does anyone have any topic ideas for me?History thesis topic for the East India Company?
    Compare and contrast the British East India Company with the Dutch East India Company; OR, compare and contrast the East India Company with the Massachusetts Bay Company (1630).History thesis topic for the East India Company?
    Sure. Why not write about the role of the company in the Opium Wars?History thesis topic for the East India Company?
    DIscuss the lasting culture changes brought to India by the East India Company or compare and contast why it was a success while the Virginia company in America was not.

    How did the east india company come into power?

    HOW DID THE EAST INDIA COMPANY COME INTO POWER??How did the east india company come into power?
    The East India Company traded mainly in cotton, silk, indigo dye, saltpetre, tea, and opium. The Company also came to rule large areas of India, exercising military power and assuming administrative functions, to the exclusion, gradually, of its commercial pursuits; it effectively functioned as a megacorporation

    The Company long held a privileged position in relation to the British Government. As a result, it was frequently granted special rights and privileges, including trade monopolies and exemptions.

    Was Egland's or the Netherlands' east India company the winner for dominance in trade in the indian ocean?

    Was Egland's or the Netherlands' east India company the winner for dominance in trade in the indian oceanWas Egland's or the Netherlands' east India company the winner for dominance in trade in the indian ocean?
    England was the dominant one up until the late 1500's to the late 1940's when England had control of virtually the entire indian ocean coast and only ended its dominance when it gave India, Pakistan, Kenya, Australia, and other colonies independence in the 1940's and 1950's but the Dutch had a minor holding of the Indian Ocean until the 1960'sWas Egland's or the Netherlands' east India company the winner for dominance in trade in the indian ocean?
    England, deffinatly england, ....i know this becuase until just perhaps twenty or thirty years ago, England was in control of India, and most of Asia, it wasnt till the late 80's early 90's that england domain in asia was over....the Netherlands stopped its global campaign to hold territories hundereds of years agoWas Egland's or the Netherlands' east India company the winner for dominance in trade in the indian ocean?
    It depends. Which company closed later? The British East India Company. So, we have a winner!

    But if we look at who was the most succesful, it's a different story. The VOC started well before the EIC, controlled large territories and almost all maritime traffic beyond the Duch Indies.

    Looking at the end of colonisation is mood: England granted India not that long before the Dutch were forced to. Both East India Companies were by then long gone.

    I'd say the EIC was the winner, but not by a big margin.
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  • How much would a coin from 1835 of East India Company worth?

    A copper coin from 1835, introduced by British East India Co. in the Indian subcontinent. How much it should worth in today's market?How much would a coin from 1835 of East India Company worth?
    It's going to depend on a couple of things that you haven't told us.

    The first is the denomination. If it's in good enough condition that you can identify it, you should be able to find the denomination on the same side it says "British East India Company". It will probably say (either in words or numbers) "1/12 anna", "one quarter anna", or "one half anna".

    A half anna would be about the size of a half dollar, a quarter anna about the size of a quarter, and a 1/12 anna is a little smaller than a dime.

    The next thing is the condition. Obviously, the better the condition the more it's worth, however, each of these three coins generally brings less than $10 even for a coin that has no wear. Typical examples usually net a buck or two. Badly worn examples are pretty common in a coin dealer's "two for a buck" box.How much would a coin from 1835 of East India Company worth?
    1.33 Buttloads

    I am Looking for the Detailed History of East India Company ?

    I am looking for the members of the East india Company and how the company was closed and in which condition they left IndiaI am Looking for the Detailed History of East India Company ?
    The British East India Company was chartered in 1601 by Queen Elizabeth. Although originally set p to compete with the Dutch in the spice trade in what is now Indonesia, the British were kicked out of the spice line by the massacre at Ambon in 1629, and thereafter focused on India. After the Battle of Plassey in 1756, the company became a major power broker in Indian politics and gained control over more and more area. In 1837 the company's monopoly on the China trade was abolished removing their largest profit sector. They became an agent of the British Government in the governing of India and received tax monies for this purpose. However in 1856 the "Sepoy Rebellion" (or first Indian War of Independence ) broke out, and in the aftermath the company was removed from the Indian Government. It was officially dissolved in 1876. The is a book called "The East India Company" that is a good general history at Amazon. The BBC British History web is probably the best on-line resource:鈥?/a>I am Looking for the Detailed History of East India Company ?
    The google link goes to a book; you need a google id in order to access the whole thing. The rest can lead you to what you're looking for, I hope.I am Looking for the Detailed History of East India Company ?
    the company was formed to establish the business relationship with India.Having seen the ruling possibilities they trnsformed them to rulers.after 150 years of agitation and great sacrifices of irebaling indians they were finally wound up the business officially in 1840 from india and handed over the charge of India to queen of england

    What was the British East India Company?

    what was the British east india company and why was it created? what was one positive or negative effect it had on its society. i have to teach my kids this tomorow and im seeming to forget some info.What was the British East India Company?
    It was a quasi-governmental multinational corporation that slowly took over most of India. One positive: Enlightened European values meant far less of the type of brutality and inhumanity that was typical of the life of the peasant in the Mughal Empire, or in one of the independent principalities. One negative: It was a for-profit venture, so it wasn't always exactly seeking what was best for most Indians.What was the British East India Company?
    It is a company promoted to look after the British empire interests in positive effect is that it brought unity among Indians.Negative effect is that they lost control all over India due to lack of over sight and very bad behavior towards general public.

    How do we know that GOOGLE wouldnt do what east india company did?

    google started with search engine then moved on to browsing software then to mobile operating system ,what if they are trying to run countries 10 years down the line ,agreed larry and sergey wont be evil but what about the people after them ???

    i mean they are way more powerful than the east india company were plus they control so much of information ????

    whos gonna stop google then ?????How do we know that GOOGLE wouldnt do what east india company did?
    Googles isn't trying to control the world #1

    It makes no sense for them to have developed a 10 year or even 20 plan to this Microsolft has a better chance, but still that would be impossible. Try looking at the Banking industry they are the ones running the world.

    #2 They don't control the information, they simply let people voice it. There are no restrictions, ecp for illegal stuff that you shouldn't be trying to get in the first place (aka Child porn ect..)

    #3 If this fantasy situation did arise, There competitors would aka Yahoo, Aol, Bing, Ask, Lycos, hell even Facebook and Myspace.

    You may find it intersting to look up the fight between Google and China that happen a while back. China threatin to ban Google for allowing info about them shooting 1000s of thier own people because of a Cultral Revolution movement that was tried there.How do we know that GOOGLE wouldnt do what east india company did?
    I doubt it will get that far, but if it does we can count on Jack Sparrow.

    The Honourable East India Company was often known as "John Company". In speech, where was the accent placed?

    If it was as a personification of a notional employer it would presumably on the first syllable of 'Company'. Alternatively, if 'John' was a convenient replacement for "The Honourable East India", then presumably the accent would be on 'John'. Does anybody actually know?The Honourable East India Company was often known as "John Company". In speech, where was the accent placed?
    It was the name given to the rank and file employees of the East India Company. It is a diret translation from the Dutch name: "Jan Compagnie", which is exactly the same, in Dutch.The Honourable East India Company was often known as "John Company". In speech, where was the accent placed?
    it depends on the situation.

    sometimes it was on the "john". Other times, it was on the "comp". JOHN company. Or john COMPany.
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  • Politics - how you compare the present day ministers with East india company ?

    The East india company came india for commercial purposes and established british raj. The ministers asking specific ministerial posts for earning money according to the Radia-kanimozhi-burga tapes known from the press and televisions. Even, for helping tamilnadu people no one asked water resources minister post but keen on telecom and shipping.Politics - how you compare the present day ministers with East india company ?
    Both are for money. No service minded.
    At that time those who fight them were known as freedom fighters and we all were united. Now we are no more freedom fighters and divided into various parties and virtually supporting them.Politics - how you compare the present day ministers with East india company ?
    unlike our present day politicians ,east india co. had done largely a fair business,

    though it was slowly taken over by the british rulers may be a different thing
    Their business interest is common.Politics - how you compare the present day ministers with East india company ?

    In Queen Elizabeth 1 time, protestant as well as East India company formed-Any other important events there?

    After break away from vatican, Queen as the head protestent formed%26amp; East India company formed on 1600 A.D. What else important event happened during her reignIn Queen Elizabeth 1 time, protestant as well as East India company formed-Any other important events there?
    She authorized the colonization of North America at the request of Raleigh. Elizabeth's time was fraught with controversies, plots to kill her, exploits into the unchartered terrorities in search of wealth, potentional war clouds fuming over her head. In 1588, England was under attack of the Spanish Armada. Elizabeth ordered all fleets to go into battle, despite the colonists' plea for some ships to sent back to mainland N. America for food supplies. The Spanish Armada was crushed and its message resonated well with those who tried undermining her rule as being a "Protestant" heretic and a woman. She had recieved such condemnation from the Vatican Pope at the time.

    Her cousin, Queen Mary of Scotts attempted to murder her while at her stay in England.

    So much more to say, there was also Irish rebellions up north

    The British East India Company dominated other Asian trading companies after the?

    a. battle of Plassey.

    b. expulsion of the Arabs from India.

    c. bankruptcy of the French East India Company.

    d. relaxation of Indian tariffs and customs duties.The British East India Company dominated other Asian trading companies after the?
    do your own homework.

    Is the Dutch East India Company the model for what America should be according to neocons?

    From Wikipedia:

    "[The Dutch East India Company] was also arguably the world's first megacorporation, possessing quasi-governmental powers, including the ability to wage war, negotiate treaties, coin money, and establish colonies."Is the Dutch East India Company the model for what America should be according to neocons?

    - F the east india company you filthy redcoat!Is the Dutch East India Company the model for what America should be according to neocons?
    Probably; though neo-cons are corporatists.

    I'm a classic Conservative, so I think the Dutch East India Company was a terrible thing. We don't need corporatism; we need true free market laissez-faire capitalism libertarianism.Is the Dutch East India Company the model for what America should be according to neocons?
    Someone's not really understanding history. Must be a libby, trying to redefine it for your own purposes.
    Probably, except I think they'd prefer keeping it in the shadows, like Haliburton.

    On edit: This question is probably too smart for Y!A.

    IB essay questions on Napoleon or East India Company help?

    I need to come up with 3 questions that i can write an essay 1500 words in length for my IB world history class. I have narrowed my focus to either Napoleon and the French Revolution or British rule in India w/ the East India Company. If anyone could help me with some questions I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks :)IB essay questions on Napoleon or East India Company help?
    What lead to the French Revolution?

    What were the different political parties?

    The Tennis Court Oath was very important.

    Where did Napoleon come in?

    What were the significant things Nap did?

    ---lycee system(education reform)

    ----declaration of the rights of man---which still lives on today.

    ---french nationalism---what does it mean to be french

    Nap wanted the french ppl to be proud to be french; he wanted unity, national pride. that's one way to to have a great army---every one speaks french french---(some spoke different dialects so the lycee system helped to teach the country the proper french language so everyone could understand each other)

    ---he started the merit system---where soldiers where promoted based on performance not on wealth.

    ---he also fought wars differently---he used the concept of total war instead of limited war...he used men, women, child, the elderly....they all contributed to the war efforts even if they weren't actually fighting...they were supporting (ie medics, clothing, food, shelter)

    ---he used the concept of the troops living off the land---which allowed his armies to move faster----this fails though in Russia when the townspeople burn everything and nap's armies nearly freeze and starve to death.

    ----he also used conscription(draft)

    Nap did alot of narrow it down for a 1500 word essay I would go with either his concept of total war versus limited war....or the declartion of the rights as man and how they are still used today.
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  • What does the "East India" part in the "Dutch East India Company" mean?

    There is the Dutch East India Company, Portuguese, French, Danish, etc. Just wondering why they are all "East India". Does this mean they traded from their country to east India or something? Thanks for any help.What does the "East India" part in the "Dutch East India Company" mean?
    When Columbus arrived in the Americas he thought he had found the E. coast of India. He therefore thought the Caribbean was part of the Indies. It did not take that long to find out the mistake, but the name had by then stuck, the aboriginal inhabitants were christened 'Indians' and so on.

    Later the Caribbean islands became known as the West Indies (and are so to this day) whereas the true Indies (the places now known as India, Burma, Pakistan etc.) became known as the East Indies. It was a handy way of distinguishing between the regions and the name 'East India' became attached to various European companies trading with India and the far East.

    The name owes a lot to a 15thC misconception, and little to the real geographical fact.What does the "East India" part in the "Dutch East India Company" mean?
    All such East India Companies came to those parts for only trade first. Exigencies of conditions there propelled them into military role and Empire-building when there was no stopping them. Was there a Portuguese East India Company too, I wonder (I think you are going overboard!). Austria established its 'post' even, in the Andaman Islands where there can be no competitor. But for the same reason (why others didn't come there) they wound it up.

    What were 3 reasons British citizens supported the efforts of the British East India Company in India?

    um what were 3 reasons British citizens supported the efforts of the British East India Company in India. I need three reasons or benefits, i need sources!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What were 3 reasons British citizens supported the efforts of the British East India Company in India?
    03) IT GAVE THEM POWER ON A GLOBAL STAGE, CONSIDERING THAT A ISLAND THE SIZE OF A PEANUT EXPLOITED ALMOST THE WHOLE OF ASIA WITH MURDER AND SLAUGHTER.What were 3 reasons British citizens supported the efforts of the British East India Company in India?
    1: It got them money

    2: They were brown people, so it didn't matter.

    3: They weren't Christian, so it didn't matter.

    (these ARE NOT my views, just an attempt to answer the question)

    How did the King of Afghanistan get selected or not by the East India Company?

    how the Afghanistan monarchy was again, selected? by the British East India company ? or how was before?

    and why they would choose a certain man to be king? when this happened and how changed?

    please explain too what you Afghanistan was part of India? before? and when, how ,why seperated?

    thanks for your answers!How did the King of Afghanistan get selected or not by the East India Company?
    The history of this area of the world goes further than the Neolithic times, where several empires rose, stretched and overlapped one another, thus providing for the sharing of significant cultural and ethnic characteristics. There was often conflict between various family members over the areas they ruled, and thus as major world countries started expanding their boundaries, they looked at this area of the world to curry favor. Britain and Russia were two main contenders and often played the people of this area to gain favor for their home country.

    The history is long and convoluted to explain here and give a satisfactory summary. I am listing two sites that give a good "compact" history of details that will help answer your question and as this seems to be a school project, it will also provide maps showing some of the shifting borders through the ages, a point that will help anchor the answers to your questions.The third site give some great background info to understand how the history started.

    This area has a very rich and very long history that is interesting to learn about. It will help give some insight to the challenges the world faces when trying to understand current history of the area.

    All the best...

    When referring to the East India Company as Company do I capitalize Company?

    In my research paper on the East India Company I refer to the company just as "company", now do I need to capitalize "company" or do I just leave it aloneWhen referring to the East India Company as Company do I capitalize Company?
    You would not capitalize this.

    example; After working many years for the company, Jane retired with great benefits.When referring to the East India Company as Company do I capitalize Company?
    Yes, in this case you are using "Company" in the shortened form as a proper noun.

    What is the top rated book on the Dutch East India Company?

    I am looking for a good book(s) that chronicle the history of the Dutch East India Company,What is the top rated book on the Dutch East India Company?
    follow this link
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  • When did the British East India company really become important and how quickly it replaced Hollands position?

    also, why Holland declined in importance as a trade nation? was Holland the capital region or Amsterdam was the capital city of the Hanseatic League during its existance?

    did the British east India company replace the Hanseatic League? or when and why it switched to London? and which other cities in Britain and why?

    how Holland became after and how much colony area it lost and why?

    thansk for your answers!When did the British East India company really become important and how quickly it replaced Hollands position?
    Hanseatic League is a purely a trade arrangement encompassing Baltic coast %26amp; the Netherlands. They had a chain of trading posts extending beyond, including one at London. These trading posts became significant enclaves. The London Kontor, established in 1320, stood west of London Bridge near Upper Thames Street.

    British (English) East India Company was given a Royal charter by Queen Elizabeth I. It started operations in India at Masulipatam (on East coast) %26amp; Surat (West coast) ports that lasted till 1857 when the Crown took over proclaiming the (England's) Queen Victoria as the Empress of Indian Empire. Gradually the Company's network of factories expanded. Then they built two forts - Fort St.George at a fishing hamlet that now is Chennai ('Madras' before) city. The other was Fort William near Kalighat, that grew up to Kolkata (Calcutta) city. Both were established in late 1600s. Then the Company started to dabble in local politics or rather they were sucked in it. Near Chennai they had this succession ot the throne of 'Carnatic' in issue. French too joined the rivalry. But the British won it and their protege became CarnaticNawab.

    Robert Clive (then Captain) played a prominent part and his clever strategy won for th British their position. In Bengal around Ft.William another succession war was played out for the Murshidabad throne. There was a war on the plains of Plassey (Palash is a popular native tree; called 'flame of the forest' due to its vermilion to orange coloured flowering in summer) in 1857m. Again Robert Clive won the war laying the foundation to the political career of the Company, who virtually ran the Bengal government with sole rights to collect taxes on behalf of Bengal Nawab. But in Buxaur war (1964), two hundred miles to the west they established their first province and firmed up the hold on Bengal that has become Company property. They established their capital at Ft.William and Col. Robert Clive became the Governor of Company possessions. His successor Warren Hastings expanded it like an Empire and assumed the title, 'Governor-General'.

    Holland (the Netherlands or 'Dutch') were not in India, but in Sumatra and Java Islands of present day Indonesia. Parallel to the 'Company' they had their own 'Dutch East India Company'.

    There were a few Dutch factories on South indian coast who quickly wound up operations to concentrate on their Island possessions of East Indies.Danish factory at a place called 'Tranquebar' the point where the coast juts towards the northern tip (Jaffna) of Sri Lanka. It was the only Danish presence in india and was finally closed.When did the British East India company really become important and how quickly it replaced Hollands position?
    You are getting a little confused here, I think. The Dutch East India company traded in the east as did the British East India Company The VOC as it was known was highly successful - it declined due to maladministration rather than anything else and was a spent force by the end of the 17th century having enjoyed success for about 200 years. The British East India Company was founded during the 16th century and operated in different sphers (principally the Indian mainland and was a private commercial enterprise that flourished until the middle of the 19th century when it went pear shaped due to the Indian mutiny. At this point the Crown stepped in and took over the company and the British Raj began - which would last another 100 years. It was administered from London's Leadenhall area and once nationalised the hq building was demolished soon after and is now the site of the iconic Lloyd's Insurance Building

    What is the date of East India Company establishment in India?

    I would like to know the right date when east India company established itself in India in 18th century.What is the date of East India Company establishment in India?
    Commercial company (1600鈥?873) chartered by Queen Elizabeth I and given a monopoly of trade between England and the Far East. In the 18th century, the company became, in effect, the ruler of a large part of India, and a form of dual control by the company and a committee responsible to Parliament in London was introduced by Pitt's India Act 1784. The end of the monopoly of China trade came in 1834, and after the Indian Mutiny 1857鈥?8 the crown took complete control of the government of British India. The India Act 1858 transferred all the company's powers to the British government.

    The East India Company set up factories (trading posts) in Masulipatam on the east coast of India in 1611; on the west coast in Surat in 1612; and on the east coast in Madras (now Chennai) in 1639. Attempts to set up a factory on the Hooghly (one of the mouths of the Ganges) began in 1640, but were unsuccessful until 1690; the settlement later developed into the city of Calcutta (now Kolkata). By 1652 there were some 23 English factories in India. Bombay (now Mumbai) came to the British crown in 1662, and was granted to the East India Company for 拢10 a year in 1668. The British victory in the Battle of Plassey in 1757 gave the company control of Bengal. By the East India Act of 1784 the government assumed more direct responsibility for British activities in India, setting up a board of control for India. The company continued to control commercial policy and lesser administration, but the British government became increasingly the effective ruler of India. Parliamentary acts of 1813 and 1833 ended the company's trade monopoly. Finally, after the Indian Mutiny of 1857鈥?8 the government assumed direct control, and the East India Company was dissolvedWhat is the date of East India Company establishment in India?
    first trading point 1608

    Compare and contrast the British East India Company with a multinational corporation?

    Which multinational corporation could you compare and contrast to the British East India Company?Compare and contrast the British East India Company with a multinational corporation?
    Any I supooded.

    Is there any relationship between the east India company and the 400% rise in opium production in Afghanistan?

    East India trading company --- drug smugglers who beat people by getting them addicted to stuff and then taking everything they had -- Entire nations

    Since NATO forces got to Afghanistan --- heroin production has increased 400 %

    Is there any relationship between this historical precedent and today ? Or are NATO forces just at a loss against the mud hut warriors of the Taliban ?Is there any relationship between the east India company and the 400% rise in opium production in Afghanistan?
    Yes, more than likely. Interesting point. They maybe fanatic radicals, but Taliban are definitely against the production of the Opium and managed to lower it drastically while they were in charge. Morphine extracted from Opium is probably the mother of all pain killers and it's expensive for being a rarity and hard to get. I wonder if it's considered a commodity in the black market just like gold and coffee are in the stock market.Is there any relationship between the east India company and the 400% rise in opium production in Afghanistan?
    I would not doubt it .

    There are rumors that the CIA has also gotten into the opium trade .

    Who knows -when it involves world power and wealth there are no good guys .Is there any relationship between the east India company and the 400% rise in opium production in Afghanistan?

    What hath happened to the East India Company?

    I wish to purchase some fine silks and spices but I cannot find the East India Company at my local dock.What hath happened to the East India Company?
    Where hast thou thy habitation? For spices, Holland and Barret seek, or Julian Graves. Thou needst not purchase by the barrel, but even by the peck may buy.

    For fine silks, I know not. But ladies me confide that M and S their favour finds.What hath happened to the East India Company?
    You are a few hundred years out of touch.

    East India company records are kept in the National Library,searchable on the net.What hath happened to the East India Company?
    This company was established by the British in the eighteen century, when they came to India and south east Asia to conquer and trade. This company no long exist.
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  • Who founded the east india company?

    I'm doing an essay for the Boston Tea Party and I can't find anything on the East India Company.

    I need to know who founded it and when it was founded. Thanks!Who founded the east india company?
    Jan Pieterszoon Coen started the Dutch East India Company in 1602.
    Someone from East IndiaWho founded the east india company?
    The British...don't know names, or when, but It was a british company in India trading under the mercantile system.鈥?/a>Who founded the east india company?
    The Royal Charter
    "The Company was founded as The Company of Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies by a coterie of enterprising and influential businessmen, who obtained the Crown's charter for exclusive permission to trade in the East Indies for a period of fifteen years. The Company had 125 shareholders, and a capital of 拢72,000." (
    French east India company(Compagnie des Indes Orientales) was started by Colbert in 1664. Dutch united east India company(Veereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie) was started on 1602. British east India company(John company) was started on 31 December 1600 by a charter granted by Queen Elizabeth under the title ' The governor %26amp; company of merchants of London trading into East Indies. ' .

    What are important things to inculde in a ruport of the dutch east india company?

    I have to make a news paper article about the dutch east india company as if i was writing in a news paper in 1634. I was wondering what would be the most inportant things to mention? please help. thanks.What are important things to inculde in a ruport of the dutch east india company?
    Here's a sanitized history as the Dutch would like to have it remembered:鈥?/a>

    Here's a sanitized Asian version with a little peek at one of colonialism's bloodthirsty tyrants, Jan Coen, who starved, butchered, enslaved, pillaged and burned for the greater profit of the VOC鈥?/a>

    What is the history of the dutch east india company flag?

    What is the history of the dutch east india company flag and what are the meanings of it's colors and designWhat is the history of the dutch east india company flag?
    Seems pretty simple to me. It's the Dutch flag with the company logo on it. The company logo is the initials for the company name in Dutch.

    How were the Dutch East India Trading Company and the British East India Company similar?

    How were the Dutch East India Trading Company and the British East India Company similar?How were the Dutch East India Trading Company and the British East India Company similar?
    They both were "trading" in India.How were the Dutch East India Trading Company and the British East India Company similar?
    They both have the name "East" in their names.

    "Allow myself to introduce myself"How were the Dutch East India Trading Company and the British East India Company similar?
    They were both given a royal charter to trade in the east indies.

    Is it East India company going to start busyness in India?But now main share holder from Indian origen?

    The great East India company es ted some 150-60years ago from England.Is it East India company going to start busyness in India?But now main share holder from Indian origen?
    Indian entrepreneur, Sanjiv Mehta purchased the rights to the name 'East India Company'. It won't be anything like the original corporation, but instead sell luxury foods in-store and online.Is it East India company going to start busyness in India?But now main share holder from Indian origen?
    Sanjeev Mehta, a british businessman of indian origin has bought this company and now he wants to open its stores in India. However this time the east india company won't have its own army but opening store will make the old wounds to resurface.Is it East India company going to start busyness in India?But now main share holder from Indian origen?
    yes to export indians to england
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